quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2019

Lembranças motivacionais (1): a crítica

Quando ficar entristecido com uma crítica destrutiva, que considera injusta, lembre-se de Albert Wolff e sua crítica à exposição de artistas impressionistas na galeria Durand-Ruel:

"Following upon the burning of the Opera-House, a new disaster has fallen upon the quarter. There has just been opened at Mr Durand-Ruel’s an exhibition of what is said to be painting … Five or six lunatics, of whom one is a woman [Berthe Morisot], have chosen to exhibit their works. There are people who burst into laughter in front of these objects. Personally I am saddened by them.”

A citação está em inglês em razão da fonte: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/feb/21/the-man-who-made-monet-how-impressionism-was-saved-from-obscurity

Os lunáticos eram Manet, Monet, Renoir, Degas e Berthe Morisot.

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